Friday, August 12, 2011

Kids and the Music of Today?

What a great question! I sort of think that kid's shows are similar.Plus why is it that it's the YOUNGER girls who drool over Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus? These guys are like in their late teens and are singing about THEIR experiences whereas kids that enjoy this music should still be into Barbies, hide and seek, bicycles or drawing. And why are they adding these "experiences" into movies made for children?? There is a way to make catchy songs that do not sing those type of lyrics. Not only are they memorizing the songs, but they are memorizing the DANCES and it's considered socially accepted amongst their peers. I think it depends on who the children idolize or what the majority is into, which is unfortunate. I definitely believe there are numerous factors that cause today's generation to miss out on a lot and to grow up faster than needed.

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