Sunday, August 7, 2011

Does residency application affect financial aid?

Hi, I am US permanent resident and been in Ohio for more than 1 year, but I'm still not considered as a Ohio resident. The problem is the school that I'm studying charges me the equivalent fee to international student's if I'm non-Ohio resident. I have financial aid but every quarter I have to pay much more for school fees because the pell grants are not enough with it. I am 21 years old and dont live with my mother. In order to reduce school fee, I want to apply for Ohio resident as an independent student because my mom doesnt live here with me, and residency requirement is dependent students have to live with their parents. That's why I want to apply for independence, but financial aid claims me as a dependent student (I have to be dependent student in order to be eligible for financial aid). I dont know if I apply for Ohio residency as independent student, will it conflict with financial aid or not? Or do they not relate anything to each other?

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