Friday, August 5, 2011

I am really stuck here, its hard to leave it when you feel something this deep for someone!?

Ok well i liked this girl for maybe 5 monthes,i known her as a friend for about 3 years, we got on well. She lives up the SAME road as me. She said things in the past which made me think she liked me as a person and saw me as future relationship material. Then this year i didnt see her for ages...then febuary i asked her to come out with me and a friend for a drink and catch up. Then she saw me and straight away i could tell she sort of fancied me..its not a secret i changed alot this year and alot of girls find me attractive now. She took a massive interest in me and really gazed in admiration a few times. A month later i randomly see her when iw as out with my m8s in this busy place...she left ehr table and came up to me and was like don't even speak to me...then a week later i seeher and she was all good with me acting almsot like a victim to me, saying lots more things which gave the impression she sort of fancied me a bit. This girl lost her dad a yr and a half ago...shes known as a game player..boys say she thinks shes too good for any boy and a pricktease. But we really connected and yet the games went on, is tuck with ehr because i knew the real her the one i was friends with the one from a ncie family, with an easy going personality most of the time, iw anted to be with her. Then i was asking her to come out and ended up arguing with her telling her soemtimes i jsut cant get through to you you got issues. Now that made her go mad, thats the one bad thing i have ever sed to her. But ic alled ehr and apologised and she sed it was fine, but then all the dirty looks began, i ignored them and kept trying. Anyway this all ended in me texting her and telling her i was mad about her and iw anted to be with her.... she was like but your so horrible to me?... then proceeded tos ay i'd upset her too much. i said tell me how you feel and she took quite a bit longer to reply but then sed sorry i jsut don't feel the same way. now this is a frustrating postition because im so stuck, i know she liked me and i know her problems. One of my friends said just move on and ignore her but the other said when you see her next just say you want to talk...Then tell her everything, tell her you know shes got a right to be distrusting of boys and thatyou know you shouldnt of said what you did. i've really kept going with this i kept calling you i kept trying, it takes alot for me to like a girl and your the first i ever really told...the fact she lives so close to me makes me sort of wanna put a lid on the whole situation. Rather than smile and pretend im all good. But other people say shes a bit younger and these are all inmature games, shes a very attractive girl that doesnt quite know what she wants, she ll run back to you... but its really hard for me to just walk away without putting it all out there. Can some one help!

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