Friday, August 12, 2011

If you heard this name, what would you think of the person?

It's the first time I've ever heard that name, so I'm honestly drawing a blank. But I do know a woman named Layla and she's all I can think of- she's a mean person, which kinda ruined the name for me as I've always related 'Layla' with a beautiful girl..

High Nitrate Levels.. How do i reduce?

oh my gosh! same here! but its been like that for a year. just change it regularly and all ur fish should be fine. do not put goldfish i there though. they will catch ick and spread it around because goldfish are so prone to ick in tropical water conditions especially. i have a 50 gallon freshwater with a bala shark,striped raphael cat,african fetherfin cat,black ghost knife, and an angel fish. im always stresses cause whenever i go away i always think im gonna come home to a bunch of nitrate burned fish.the algae is always growing. i have a plant to. it like does nothing. i have a rock formation and its faint to. my nitrate levls currently sit around 160mm just like urs... i think the only solution is to buy a new tank and if theres no fish like carrying some sort of microscopic thing tostart algae some how then the problem goes way. i had 3 dwarf gouramis in my 50g but i got a 48.2g and i put them in there just because. they all died but i put fish from my 10g in there and that tank now stays perfe.ctly clean. i think its just the tank. theres no way ill be able to buy a new one though... life tough.

PLEASE HELP, I just got a message saying: You have exceeded $20 in messaging charges.?

My mom just bought me a phone yesterday called the Pantech Laser. I got a message reading this: AT&T Free Msg: you have exceeded $20 in messaging charges. Go to to learn how to reduce your charges. Omg I'm so scared! I JUST got this phone too! I have this one best friend who texts me A LOT. I have unlimited texting too! Is $20 a lot? Do you think my mom will be mad at me? I'm really nervous. I know I'm very irresponsible -_-. But don't they know the definition of "unlimited"?? Please, help, what should I do? I'm afriad my moms going to be furious at me and take away my phone, but I'm so excited to finally have one because all my friends have one!! So please help me!!

What is this song!!?!?!? 10 points?

its RAP song. the chorus is a woman, singing. the only line i can remember is something like, "i get out of bed in the morning." no, its not tik tok or friday. its RAP SONG

Why do Republicans balloon the debt when out of power then get OCD on the debt when in?

Judging from the answers here, it is because they can get away with it and put the blame for the debt on the democrat by turing obsessive compulsive about the debt when out of power . There supporter do not look at numbers and think history began when they were born,

've 02 corola, does't give required at starting in morning, engine shuts afte tik tik sound, otherwise alright?

I ve to repeatedly apply self and press pedal to keep the rpm stable until it's warm enough, when is all right, 've checked its efi censor, its spark plugs etc but could'nt find the fault

Know any good screamo covers?

What are some good unknown sreamo or rock covers of pop and hiphop songs? for example just dance by surrender the dancefoor or tik tok by a midsky surrender?

Does this mean I'm going to become gay?

My friend sent me a link to the song Tik Tok by Ke$ha and I heard it... only gay guys listen to Ke$ha, so does this mean I'm going to become gay?


Se trata de Una pelicula que nos ensenaron cuando aun eramos ninos pero no me acuerdo del titulo, es una pelicula donde ay un Mion un mocoso una Vomitono y mas...puros actores asi no me acuerdo vien que mas pero siempre eh querido verla otra ves para ver de que se trata pero no se como se llama la pelicula es tipo carichatura tipo plastilina algo asi..avisen si saben..Gracias...

Best Songs Perfomed By Glee?

I got an iTunes gift card for my bday and i was wondering in your opinion what the best glee songs are, i have: Don't Stop Believin', Gives You Hell, Telephone, Me Against the Music, & Tik Tok.

Please help.. Worried about HIV or STDs...?

first of all, all women get discharge it keeps the vagina clean. do not try to reduce this. you should ust have a pap smear, they are fine i have them every 2 years and if anything is wrong the sooner you find it the more that can be done. its unlikely you have HIV if anything it could just be a yeast infection which is easil treatable. please dont be upset hunni every women goes through these fears and doctors cn help you. your ex is a jerk and clearly has no idea about women. embarrassing for him lol

Good question??? Please, please, PLEASE answer!!! :)?

I don't think Teenage Dream, California Girls, We R Who We R or Tik Tok would be appropriate because they do have some misleading lyrics. They're not AWFUL lyrics, but they still talk about getting drunk or having sex etc. Just in case you don't want the little kids to misunderstand, I guess it'd be best just to leave those out :P

My mom stole like $1300 from me and i need to know how to get it back?

she didn't ask me to use $500 of it to ay the electric bill because she's a stupid ******* vitch and she doesn't know how to make paymnts on a bill so it doesn't double and triple ver time. then she used like $350 to pay for groceries and whatever else she felt like using it for. And then there is $500 that I worked for from my aunt and she took that too and did whatever with it. she told me she was going to pay me back when my dad got payed next which is today and now she she says she can only give me $500 of it and that $354 of it goes to paying off my trip and the rest is for whatever I get to do with since it's my goddamn money. she says i can't give you money that doesn't exist when in reality it oes and the amount she owes me is my dad's whole paycheck. I don't give a **** that it's his whole paycheck the ******* ***** should have thought about that before stealing all of my ******* money!!!!this is why i'm not opening a bank account because she will use it and ruin my name!!!!!! she did it to all of my other siblings and the ******* ***** won't do it to me!!!!!!!!!!how do i get my ******* money back without having to wait 2 ******* weeks?

Was adding my ex bf on facebook a bad idea?

we broke up on the 1st of this month. he was ignoring me for months and would just meet for sex. he ignored me even when i missed periods because of the unprotected sex we had (but i took test and thank god i am not pregnant). i broke up with him because of this and it was a bad..bad fight. he said he was cheating on me, he has had sex with many girls before me and he going out of country he will have sex with many girls but denies it now and says he was just angry. i asked him if he didnt like me why didnt he breakup (because i could see he lost interest a long ag0 and was just pretending till now). he says though he didnt like some of my qualities but still liked being with me (which i dont believe because he twice said i am too boring..and he was getting bored with me..i mean i could see it) i feel he used me for sex...any way he asked for being friends and i agreed because i was too scared of losing him and him not being around. i cant ever possibly forgive him (right?) ..after the breakup when i agreed to stay friends i fought with him everyday..then he asked me out twice i said no..then i asked him he said he fractured his leg so cant come....then next few days we talked about what i was going to study and all..he asked if i got period then from 4 days we havent talked..i added him on fb sacred of losing him again (he is going out of country for higher studies so not possible to be in contact through phone)..but i am finding it very difficult being friends..i dont have the strength to see him any other girl ..i cant see when he flirts with girls on fb or girls flirt on him on fb..i think it should "unfriend" him on fb? because he will obvioulst add lots of girls..and i dont think i have the strength...i am also scared of the ay when he goes i will not be able to bear it....what should i do? i think i should just cut all contacts with him and focus on my studies..i have an exam next year for which i require some serious very studing...and he will be going in 2 months..i am scared he will tell me he is going i wouldnt be able to bear it and screw up my studies again ( i did this year also because i devoted so much of my time and energy at this relationship thinking it was going somewhere and hoping it would turn into something significant)

Will a right fitted bra make my boobs look smaller?

I don't like my boobs they're too big! If I get a professional fit will the bra make them look smaller? If not how can I reduce the size? I hate being a D cup

Should high school education be mandatory?

I propose that it is unnecessary at best, and a complete waste of time at worst. For one thing, most of what is learned in high school is forgotten in adulthood, due to sheer lack of use. For another, the large amounts of time spent in high school could be spent learning a practical trade or doing an apprenticeship. For those with keen interests, high school could remain an OPTION, much as university is now, and the environment would probably be more conducive to learning when it is not forced on the entire populace. Many kids are simply not suited to learning from books in classrooms for hours a day and could be learning in other ways, from family and friends, from the community at large. It is understandable that for young kids without a supportive family, compulsory education would help them, but I think beyond the age of around 15 it stops being a benefit for some and becomes a cumbersome duty, which they do simply not to fall behind. And it would help society at large; what is happening now is a strange distortion of the skilled workforce - more people are educated but are finding it harder to find specialized work because of the increased competition. Should high school become optional, the pressure would be reduced and true market forces could work to bring out the most suitable to such positions (ie. those with the aptitude AND interest). Also, it goes without saying that many people don't complete high school; the investments made to their high school education are therefore wasted. This money could be redirected to support alternative options.

Kids and the Music of Today?

What a great question! I sort of think that kid's shows are similar.Plus why is it that it's the YOUNGER girls who drool over Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus? These guys are like in their late teens and are singing about THEIR experiences whereas kids that enjoy this music should still be into Barbies, hide and seek, bicycles or drawing. And why are they adding these "experiences" into movies made for children?? There is a way to make catchy songs that do not sing those type of lyrics. Not only are they memorizing the songs, but they are memorizing the DANCES and it's considered socially accepted amongst their peers. I think it depends on who the children idolize or what the majority is into, which is unfortunate. I definitely believe there are numerous factors that cause today's generation to miss out on a lot and to grow up faster than needed.

Help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

ay so i got a wave and started using it to help clear my face. its a face cleaner. so the next morning around my mouth was dry and red and started to like peel or something. so i used some moisturizer to help it but the next day it left this ugly blister with a lot of other little blisters around it. so i used carmex and the next morning it was kinda dried out and green and disgusting. so should i use carmex again tonight or just leave it alone and see what it does??? please help??

How do you find the number of ml needed to neutralize?

A mixture is made by combining 260 mL of 0.0200 M Na2Cr2O7 with 440 mL of 0.060 M Fe(NO3)2. Initially, the mixture contains 0.400 mol of the H+. Dichromate ion oxidizes Fe2+ to Fe3+ and is reduced to Cr3+ . After the reaction in the mixture has ceased, ___ milliliters of 0.0100 M NaOH will be required to neutralize the remaining H+.

What are the lyrics to kesha's - tik tok?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Who do people upload videos of them singing when they can not sing?

Ive seen soo many people on Youtube who can not sing at all, on other words they sound like a horse being mutilated. Such as that girl who sung Tik Tok and Nicole337 among others. Yet they have so many clips of them singing. And they get all this hate mail and they still carry on? Why? Does anyone else find this strange and annoying? XD

How many times do you have to change your pillows when it comes to treating acne?

I change mine every other day also tubing achohol strips oil and dirt from your skin it's great for pimples to though it will look kinda red for about 15 mins because it agitates it :3

Atheists, if you are 'logical'...?

In the same sense I'm agnostic about leprechauns, fairies, vampires, etc. based on lack of any credible evidence or basis to warrant assuming they exist. I don't however, believe they do until such time there is reasonable evidence to hold a positive belief on. Just like you, I hope. So that would make me an agnostic aleprechaunist or in the case of gods agnostic atheist in I can't prove these things don't exist as they are unfalsifiable claims at present. As they lack any good evidence though I don't just go ahead and believe they do along with every other imaginative thing people can think up.

What sickness do I have?

Their is a lot of pressure in my head. My head feels awful but it is not just a headache.. It is also not a migrainee. My throatt hurts a little but not very much. I am also congested. I've been sick for three days now. I have not had a fever at any point to my knowledge. Ay ideas what's wrong with me?


all evanescence songs are amazing specially "bring me to life" & "taking over me".........also Sara Bareilles:gravity.....katherine Mcphee: terrified.........& rihanna's songs are awesome like:(russian roulette-love the way you lie-unfaithful) can also listen to carrie underwood songs(the song "before he cheats"is the best)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What type of kiss conveys the most love?

YOu see, its my girlfriends birthday, its the first birthday we have shared as being together. What type of kiss conveys the most love? We have been together for 9 months and 11 days, and only had our first kiss a few weeks back, but at first we kissed, then it progressed to full on making out, with her on top of me, we kissed for 45 mn at a time, so i know she is comfortable with ay type of kiss.

Christians, how do you explain the existence of God?

Christians always say that Atheists have a problem because they can't answer the question "Why is there something instead of nothing" and That they don't have that problem because they believe God created the something. But then I can't help buy wonder Why God exists? If you reduce the something back from the universe to God then you're just left with having to explain God, so I ask you theists, How do you explain God?

Who sings the rock version of tik tok?

one of the verses goes like "and the party don't start until we walk in! Don't stop, make it rock...

In my case, dating and social interaction are irrational, so how can I get my parents to stop pushing them?

You still have much to learn about yourself. If you don't allow yourself to feel emotion then how would you be able to go about making friends? No one wants a robot for a friend, let alone a boyfriend. I do not think that you should date anyone right now considering your mental thinking process as of current. I do not believe you are ready for such excursions at this point in time. Learn about youself and allow yourself to feel. There is NOTHING wrong at ALL with feelings. How else will you know what you like and what you don't like? Go out and do stuff, fun stuff.

What is the matter with me?

the 28th of may was the begining of my last period. it lasted until the 10th which isnt normal for me as it was heavyer and my periods only usually last for about 5 days. then last thirsd i had ay the worst cramp in my lower belly and back that lasted about 3 minutes, this happened again the next day while i was out shopping and i couldnt walk cause it hurt that has been fine ever since i dont know if it has anything to do with my extra long period. has anyone experienced this before and what was the outcome, i know it is probably nothing but dont want to go to my GP if nothing is wrong :D

How comfortable is too comfortable? i would like advice on living with your partner?

me and my BF of a year moved in together yesterday, well i moved in to his familys house. we had a long distance relationship so i got a job and moved up. i know this may sounds stupid and i may be reading too much into this but i have never done anything like this before and im nervous. i like to ay around in a hoodie and pyjamas, take out my contact lenses and put on my glasses in the evenings when i come home from work and im completely comfortable walking around like i would in my own home. but i worry he might stop fancying me a bit. i fancy him a lot and no matter how bad he looks or farts i still find him attractive but im worried he might not feel the same. how comfortable is too comfortable? what are the dos and donts?

HELP me convince my sister to pick a new name?

i think thats really cute im sure that when the baby is born it just wont matter is your sister likes it then thats what really matters.i dont know your name but im sure that some one some where didnt like yours and i think she would be very up set if you said you dont like the name. congrats on your neice

Can someone catch me up with Glee?

Okay after one episode I watched of Glee I thought that was the season finale but apparently I was wrong and stopped watching Glee after American Idol started and I just recently found out that I missed TONS of episodes! Can someone catch me up? The last episode I watched was when Glee did a cover on Ke$ha's Tik Tok song and they played spin the bottle and Kurt told Blaine that he had a crush on him after Rachel went on a date with Blaine b/c he wasn't sure if he REALLY was gay or not. Can someone catch me up after that? or wait did the one where Sam dressed up as Justin Bieber and Sue tried to commite "Sue-icide" by overdosing on Gummy Bear Vitamins come after that one?. Oh boy i'm really confused can someone please catch me after those two episodes?.

Reduce swelling of cartilage piercing?

i got my cartilage pierced a week ago with a piercing gun and its been fine untill yesterday. it hurts and its swollen. but its not infected so i really dont wanna have to take it out. what can i do to reducethe swelling?? ive tried ice but its not really helping. please help, it hurts!

What are some good new songs? come on guys this is easy!!?

Hmm, well.. If you like slow songs and inspiring songs, check out the band ' Never Shout Never'. His songs on the album ' Harmony' are really good, kind of slow and romantic! :D If you like Tik Tok, try other Ke$ha songs like Crazy Beautiful Life or Kiss 'n Tell. The Ready Set is another good band you should check out.. songs by him include, Love Like Woe, Spinnin, and More Than Alive.. Hope this helped!

Have you seen the Diary of a wimpy kid commercial?

Actually I have, in its entirety. The kid I take care of made me stop what I was doing and come watch the dang thing. The little fatty kid sings that song in the commercial, right? Nothing funnier than a fat kid lip syncing.

What is the best way to come out as gay, to your anti-gay parents?

My parents are anti-gay. my dad especially. But then i don't have the strongest relationship with my dad. My mum is christian but i think she is becoming more expectant to the whole gay idea. My friends are should be okay about it as I'm quite camp, why can't they be like them, ay?. I am very confused on the matter of coming out to my parents . I hope they can understand. Have you got any advice for me? xD

How can I get rid of the dandruff in my hair?

I'm using shampoo and a special brush to reduce my dandruf, but what can I do once it's all in my hair? I look so ugly, and it's upsetting.

How can I stop feeling this way about this song?

You must try to get rid of the memories- almost the same thing has happened to me. If it dosen't work, or it hurts too much, try not to listen to the song. Try to tell yourself that you're happy for him- and if you can't shake the feeling, tell a best friend. That's what they're for-- they'll always support you.

What is the most annoying song out of these?

Sorry my friend. But there is a far worse song. That song 'What I Really Want" by those British *****. Horrible! Horrible! Pure hell!

Fast mexican song that sounds like it's saying "ay qu� te pino" ?

My cousin is having a quince and she wants that song but we can't figure out what song it is. It sounds like it's saying "ay qu� te pino" over and over again in the beginning and it's a fast song you could dance to

What do you think about these names for a girl?

Im not sure if these are first and middle name combos but to be honest they are very can pick a unique middle name and a unique spelling for the first name but remember that your child will have to go through school with this name so make it a good experience for her............i loveee the names sophia and anastasia

Why is ke$ha such a dirty table cloth?

this chick gets on my last nerve she cant sing all her music is about sex,beer,penis,penis,penis,beer,night clubs.... you get my drift and every one loves her music like tik tok it was icky shes running around throwing sparkles all over the damn place and in your love is my drug she with some dirty hippy so why is she so great she clearly dresses and acts like a nasty acholic but if she has so much money why doesnt she just buy some clean looking clothes i was just wondering why is she so gross

Why does my utorrent download percent decrease almost every time i shutdown and start my laptop?

I am downloading a 33.15GB series using utorrent3.0. It had downloaded 2% when i restarted my laptop for installing windows updates. Then when i started utorrent, it began checking the file and when it had done, the download percentage reduced to 1.3%!!!!!!!! I can't figure out what has happened but it also happened once when it reduced from 0.7% to 0.5%. And now it happened today again. Can anyone please tell me why it is happening?

New/newly renovated hotels inthe washington dc area?

I'm trying to avoid the stuffy, old, smelly, victorian-era decor. Ay suggestions for new hotels with contemporary designs is much appreciated.

Are we advancing at all as a species ?

As a species we have come very far, yet not far enough, we waste time and effort with material things and personal goals and we don't actually know for sure where we have been, there is alot of people talking about having to reduce the population of the planet to preserve earth and nurse it back to its original state.....but that will NOT work, how about leaving the trees to grow ? letting other life forms live instead of cloning and eating them, then having the nerve to pass them off as real animals, the milk you drink is not always REAL milk, the meat you eat is not always REAL meat.... why are we still on this planet ? with all of our technology surely someone somewhere can come up with an idea of how to change other planets so we can populate our universe , i mean, were similar to a virus, all we do is reproduce, nothing more , nothing less, yet people believe they have the right to put themselves at the top and demand we fellow them, but they do not think of mankind as a whole, just their own little obsessions and you think manipulating and populating our universe should be man-"kind"s next step ?? how would we even get started with this silly little currency game we are playing at the moment ? if we get rid of currency we can start living as one, working together, living together.......but that sounds far too scary to those who are comfortable with their gadgets and central heating........its a shame man-"kind" has become weak after all of these years......must be something in the water ;)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Math help!!! true or false question!!!?

1) The lines represented by ax+ by=c, and bx+ay=c, are perpendicular. Assume "a" is not equal to 0 and "b" is not equal to 0

Being called a "fag" "nerd" etc for not riding a scooter or motorbike?

Well i dont know but ive driven motorcycles alot and jumped them and what not flew through trails wide open. ridden on the edge most of the time. been in some scary situations to say the least. that being said i would never fly down a hill on a mountain bike lol. its not for me. your not a wuss man ur a friggen dare devil lol. dont let any one call u a fag or a nerd. ur alot cooler than they are for doing what YOU want to do and not what they want you to do just so you can fit in. as for the mountain biking it takes alot of skill. i dont know what it is about bikes that are different that motorcycles but i can hardly stay on my bicycle when im sitting in the door yard lol. my cousin did the downhill mountain biking for many years. and i always admired him for it. it takes alot of guts man. keep it up. be your self.

What do you think of these names for girls?

I like Aibrielle, through it's complicated to pronounce, it's a beautiful name. Raleigh doesn't interest me much for some reason. Charlotte is a beautiful name. Avery is ok. I don't like it much, but it would still be a good name. Good choices :)

10 PTS TO BEST!! should i put nothing on my zit overnight or neosporin or what?

k so i have a zit that is cystic, it was big but now its getting smaller and no longer hurts, but there's still a bump and its super shiny and a little bit red. should i leave it alone and put nothing on it overnight to get rid of the shinyness? or should i put honey or neosporin or something on it to reduce swelling and shine? HELP!!

Best dance/elctropop music?

I love Cascada, many of Kesha's songs (mostly We are who we are, tik tok, take it off), a few of Lady Gaga (Just Dance mostly), two of Rihanna's (don't stop the music, who's that chic), etc. So I was wondering which bands/singers you could recommend me? I want to listen to this type of music: dance-pop like Cascada or electro-pop like Kesha. I like rhythmic music, but I don't like beats all that much (but I can bear them in Cascada's music).

How to reduce fat on face?

I have a chubby face, but i don't know if thats just how my face is or can it be slimmed down? Im 140 lbs and my height is 5'3. Do you think if I exercised and diet my face would slim down?

Can there be a solution to my chronic depression?

You have to start looking up. Life is dumping alot of rain on you, but you have to stay positive. You have parents and you have an education (something most people dont/will never have). Meds dont work, and only make it worse when your off them. Go OUTSIDE. The sun naturally causes your body to release endorphins that lift your mood. Try finding a sport to play like golf, soccer, or tennis. Read books that have nothing to do with your studies, but you cannot give up bro. Keep looking for that job, keep stayin fresh, find some confidence in yourself. Just from reading this I can tell your a smart guy. I can barely stay in college myself haha. Make something of yourself because your a man, and thats what men do. I hope this helps and I hope will others will help also. Cheers

Is my best friend not even a friend anymore?

Okay so.... my best friend and I have know each other literally our whole lives. Freshmen year we were so close like always. This year, was horrible. She startes hanging out with a lot of people and I was just there. She also met a guy. It's now summertime and she only hangs out with me and its just us and I feel like its only because she's trying to make it up to me for not hanging out ay school anymore. But it is summer I have not done much yet she always has to upload pictures of her and other friends hanging out. Is this even a best friend???

What to do if I am shooting Blanks?

There are several tests to determine several things that could be a problem. One is that your semen does not have enough sperm in it to penetrate her eggs. Another is that she has some chemical imbalance which negates your sperm.

How to reduce irritation and swelling after shaving?

I am 17, I recently switched from a regular razor, to an electric razor, and after I shave, the skin where my mustache is, turns red, and gets irritated, and bumpy. How can I stop that from happening? I was told not to use shaving cream with an electric razor. Thanks!

Why are we more protective of the colored folk?

I am fat and hear insults all the time. I don't care, cause i know they just playin. we all rag on each other, and its all funny. heck even i make jokes about my own self. and you can make fun of christains on tv. and be angry with them, and ay they ruin the world. but i you make a black joke suddenly your a horrible racist, and it would have been better that you had raped a child, then to say the "N". and when Mel gibson drunkingly said, the jews are responsible for all the worlds wars, everybody got their tail in a knot, but anybody can bash christains and say they will ruin the world,, and its all good?

Do you think he loves me?

Okay so Im 14 and I moved to a new school and made a lot of good friends. One of which is very nice...cute...and you get the picture. Hes my guy friend who a lot of girls like. But Ill give you some examples. Once I was crying in our drama class and tried to keep it a secret. He came over and when he saw me he didn't say a word and just hugged me and told me it looked when I needed that. Another time he in the hallway I was walking to my class and he stopped me and gave me his project from science after it had been graded and said, i give it to you with all my heart in a joking ay but it made me smile. I love him so much..not in a gross sexual way i would give anything just to hold his hand and tell him i would die for him. Ive cried myself to sleep before about him. Anyone he usually dates are people hes been pressured into dating too. Theres just one problem...he has another gf. I just wnt to know if i should tell him how i feel because he treats me like im his bestfriend but he has so many other girls who like him. thank u

What are the worst 20 song you have every heard?

jesus! are you kidding me? Can't believe you hate classics like who let the dogs out, don't stop believing, eye of the tiger, etc in this list! not to mention you put that katy perry , florence, and all the rest are worst than justin bieber and jonas brothers! By the way, there is missing tokyo hotel in that list!

Grey bump right outside anus?

about a week ago i found a grey bump right outside of my anus. it was somewhat painful to touch but since then the pain has been slightly reduced. i've never had sex and i was wondering what this could be. i'm thinking it might be a hemorrhoid but if that's the case should i just let it clear up on its own since apparently ointments aren't actually proven to help?

Can you buy 10 dollars worth of cocaine?

i always wondered that or do they only sell eight balls ? because i remember one time in 11th grade some kid in my math class was trying to buy cocaine off this one dealer and he asked him how much do u have and he said oh i got 20 and the dealer just laughed in his face and walked away and im wondering because one of my neighbors sells it and my friend wants to try it (dont judge or give us that oh dont try drugs crap or if u got caught bla blah blah please and thank u were trying everything once just answer the question) and he has 20 but doesnt wanna buy a whole 20 just a 10 to try it but he doesnt wanna walk up to the dealer and say ay give me a dime of coke and end up looking stupid if they dont sell 10's so do they or not ?

What is some modern songs about drinking?

is tik tok by kesha bout drinking? i dont listen to her song. its for a project. i need modern songs, not those from 90s and back. thanks!

Is Kesha a really bad singer?

If Kesha a bad singer, how did her song tik tok went on top for 9 weeks, we r who we r for 1 week and now blow peaked at number 7?

How to lose belly fat?

I am particularly concern with areas around the tummy. I am not a fat person, just that my tummy is rather flabby. Is there a particular list of exercise sets i can do daily/weekly to help reduce stomach fat?

How do i put internet on my computer?

My mothers work got new computers and they gave her one of the old ones and its a desk top but we dont know how to put internet on it so can ay one tell us how to?

How to improve my figure?

You'll drive yourself crazy with this. It is to hard to lose here, gain there, etc, etc. You should be happy with yourself because you sound beautiful. Losing weight in the breast area couldnt be to easy except for surgery and unless they are effecting your health you may want to leave them alone.

Anyone know where to find real Oakleys cheaper than retail?

I want a new pair of Oakley's (mine are scratched after 5 years of abuse), and I was wondering if there is ay place to get them "cheap." I need polarized lenses, and my favorite styles are radar, flack jacket, and m frame/ m frame pro. I found some polarized flack jackets for $140, which is good, but I would rather have Radars. If you have any suggestions let me know. Oh, I will be using them for baseball btw.

Is there really a practical solution to global warming?

I mean, even if it does gain momentum and many countries are willing to impose taxes to reduce their carbon emissions, there are still countries who aren't willing to impose carbon taxes on its populace to reduce their emissions. No matter how hard or successful these countries become by reducing carbon taxes, there is nothing they can do about regulating another country's pollution or carbon emissions. Seeing as most people and governments are not and will never be for a one-world government or care about future generations, is there even a practical solution to global warming? Will global warming mark the end of the human race? I sure hope another intelligent and sentient species evolves and takes our place as the care-takers of earth, and that they aren't as naturally selfish and greedy as their predecessors (humans).

Can someone please suggest me a good music to listen to!!!....10 points!?

I usually would prefer rock songs like kesha tik tok,bullet for my valentine tears dont fall,kesha blah blah blah etc.please try to suggest something similar to that,but feel free to suggest something else too.

Drug related question?

can u buy 10 dollars worth of cocaine i always wondered that or do they only sell eight balls ? because i remember one time in 11th grade some kid in my math class was trying to buy cocaine off this one dealer and he asked him how much do u have and he said oh i got 20 and the dealer just laughed in his face and walked away and im wondering because one of my neighbors sells it and my friend wants to try it (dont judge or give us that oh dont try drugs crap or if u got caught bla blah blah please and thank u were trying everything once just answer the question) and he has 20 but doesnt wanna buy a whole 20 just a 10 to try it but he doesnt wanna walk up to the dealer and say ay give me a dime of coke and end up looking stupid if they dont sell 10's so do they or not ?

How to unBlock a blackberry curve 8520?

Unfortunate for the owner and also unfortunate for the buyer of stolen blocked phone as once blocked they can not be unblocked as it is done at the IMEI level. It is now just an expensive paperweight.

Im still deciding who is better kesha or katy perry?

I dont know witch is better kesha or katy perry my favrite song for kesha is tik tok take it of and we are who we are and my favrite songs by katy perry is hot n cold waking up in vages and califona girl explan why

How to grow my breasts and butt with food and reduce my waist?

You don't get to pick & choose which parts of your body gain weight while the others stay the same or go down. Sorry honey, if people could do that, there wouldn't be an obesity problem in this country. Get your lazy butt up off the couch & exercise.

How to reduce the intensity of red in photograph?

i have sony W380 and whenever i am taking someones picture with red t shirt(outside under cloudy whether and also in bright sunlight), the red color seems too bright as if glowing or set on fire. its very unnatural. i have to correct such pictures with Photoshop. But i want to know how to fix it in the camera it self. there is no option to reduce red or something like that. plz help. the red color is always coming way too bright in pictures

How do you get rid of stretch marks?! Or reduce there visibility! :S?

Its summer soon and i want to go swimming with friends but i have stretch marks near the top of my leg :S how do you get rid of them?!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Its been 14 years since Chelsea last tasted success on the European scene ?

Wait till you qualify for Champions League for the 2012-2013 season; for now sit back, relax and watch Chelsea do their thing.

How do you pronounce raven symon�?

Because (I'm just using my knowledge from knowing french) it would be pronounced sih-mone-ay. Is it just a different type of accent pronunciation or something? Help me out

What do you think of my Avatar?

Would you people really believe me if I call myself French Girl? No but really, I AM French. I've been debating over "French Girl" or "Tic Tac" cuz my last name ends with "tik", so yeah... which do u think is better, and why?

I need websites on mouse coat genetics?

I'm looking for mouse breeders to answer because some of the sites I've been coming across are for laboratory mice. I want basically a list of the genetic code (such as avy for recessive yellow and ay for lethal yellow) along with help with markings and how all of these different traits interact with each other.

How do you react when people tik you off and Hotmail question?

i try to stay calm and ignore people like that. however, if they continue to push, calm turns to aggressive in a heartbeat and i will drop them to the ground. no advice to give really, it depends on who you are as a person and how much you are willing to take before you react.

Do you like the name Auden for a girl?

Also, when you see the name Elena do you pronounce it as El-ee-nah, El-en-ah, Eelay-nah, or El-ay-nah.

Video camera hum. please help?

I have a flip HD camera. and the recording quality is very good. Both audio and video. But when I listen to the videos at high volume. You can hear a hum. Not loud but no quiet. I want to eliminate or reduce the hum. Any suggestions? (I record guitar videos.) And its not vackround noice because I record in a quiet room. So its not background noise. Please help?

What style of dance is this?

Hi, this might be a stupid question but if someone could help me out that would be great! I really love to dance. I love the way it makes me feel and i guess im really good at it, at least thats what my friends have said. But i've only ever taken ballet when i was little, until i was about ten. Now I make up dances in my room to pop songs like Tik Tok and Tonight Tonight and i practice them for hours, just because. I don't show them to other people or do anything with them i just love to dance and practice dancing. Now i've realized that i actually want to take this seriously so i started looking into dance lessons, but idk what style of dance im dancing! I dont think its hip-hop because thats all break-dancing and ghetto dancing. So my question is what style of dance is it for like pop music and the type that back up dancers for Ke$ha and Britney Spears do?? I know that i couldve made this question soo much shorter and for that i am sorry but thanks for your help!

Am I Just Too Ugly To Get A Girl?

LoL you sound really nice but the thing about the plastic surgery was just too much. You sound too down on yourself and that's a HUGE turn off. You're actually not that bad looking. My best friend's a guy and he didn't get One girl all through high school as soon as he hit college he was a chick magnet. Don't be so desperate. Desperate people lower their standards and end up getting their hearts stomped on. Good Luck with finding the right one. *kisses*

Are these songs clean and fun for a grad party? Suggestions will be taken too!?

All Sounds Good :) Have most of those songs and I LOVE them! More Gaga, Katy Perry, or Adam Lambert would be nice. LOL

Is bone removal considered plastic surgery?

Well, plastic surgery means that the surgery is for looking better, so in this case it would be considered plastic surgery.

My dentist said i need braces and im nervous about how long it will take please help?

ok so my canines are like all the way up and the teeth next to the pointy ones are a little crooked and my two front teeth are ****** a lil but u cant reall tell 15 and my dentist waited soo late to give me braces and i dont want to have them for a long time so do you tik i will only need them for 1 in a half years?and no i dont think i could get invisables...i would show a picture but idk how

What are some of your favourite names?

i adore these names, although tizai was my nickname in 4th and 5th grade because apparently tierzah (tear-zuh) was harder for little 4th and 5th graders to pronounce. i am in love with the names mavrick, destrey, and griffen. none are near as unique as these though.

My friend only has 1/8 of her liver that is functioning,she also has hep C and a family trait of liver problem?

The doctor said he cannot give her a time frame but it does not look good and he told her to go be with Family and friends. She just got back to her hometown a few days ago and has been staying ay my house the last few days. Het stomach where her liver is hurts and she is nauseous and no appetite and flu like symptoms. She has abused alcohol and pills in her life

Taking My Ring to the orn shop!?

Ok so I have this 14k ring & its gold & i really need money to buy my clothes & stuff about how much will i get for it .. All i no is that they weigh it.. btw i just want it for the money i wont ay to get it back

What are some easy songs to write parodies to?

Any of the crappy ones by Katy Perry and Britney Spears. Avril's new one is bad. And I can't stand "raise your glass" by Pink.

How do you play this piano note?

It's not really correct but you play the notes just like ordinary notes. The composer is using X's to indicate that they are for the vocals. The notes connected by a single bar are eighth notes. The single note with one flag is an eighth note. The single note with no flag is a quarter note. In some places there are two bars connecting notes. These are sixteenth notes. Good luck. The key is F.


Song that goes WHAO A A OH OH OH? Its a pop song. Its not Tik Tok by Keshia. It was on the radio but I didn't get a chance to catch the name ... well actually I didn't hear the name. It is sung by a girl. Thanks :)

Agnostics is Gods plan for humanity Truly Celestial Revelation for all ?

Your definition of Agnostic is wrong. An Agnostic is doubting of anything, The word Agnostic is taken from the Greek word to mean without knowledge. An Agnostic would Challenge anything said, a hard Agnostic in my opinion is counterproductive, hard to be around because they feel they are always right.

Agnostics is Gods plan for humanity Truly Celestial Revelation for all ?

Your definition of Agnostic is wrong. An Agnostic is doubting of anything, The word Agnostic is taken from the Greek word to mean without knowledge. An Agnostic would Challenge anything said, a hard Agnostic in my opinion is counterproductive, hard to be around because they feel they are always right.

Did you think Diary of a Wimpy Kid 1 is better than Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2: Rodrick Rules?

They are both awesome, and I've covered both of them (see the links in the sources below), but I think movie #2 is better than the first one. The "Tik Tok" parody was actually good.

What are your favorite songs by Ke$ha?

She's a talentless autotuned whore, but her songs are catchy.. I like Take It Off, Your Love is My Drug, and We R Who We R.

Where can u find classy black women like tika sumpter?

its fair to say, the media has played the role of adjusting the way black women are been portrayed....there are very intelligent and beautiful black women around you....for instance your mother is one of them. i would proud myself to be beautiful, intelligent and black. what you see on TV is fiction, cos the gossip girl character does have her own insecurities, cos no one is perfect.... white women will always feel the need to feel superior about their appearance because they are the majority in the western society. let one white girl take a trip down to Africa or to the Caribbean, she will have a lot to worry about. lol

Is bone removal considered plastic surgery?

If it's unnessessary, it's cosmetic but, if it has to do with the function of your body and still improves appearance it is medical

Why ppl hate Rebecca Black and JB?

I think that some people hate them because they are just too trendy, and they all of the sudden appeared.

Would repeat offenders be reduced if we exported them to China for their first sentence?

Yes it would be a good deal and we wouldn't have to pay for cable for them like here as it's in Chinese. might have to do that speech thing, those courses where they learn quick. Hey novel idea send all illegal border crossers starting now over there, would be awhile before that got back instead of the next day.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Can batteries explode D: ?!?

yes batteries can definately explode but they wont make a ticking sound like a time bomb. make sure the polarity on the batteries were installed properly (positive + and negative -).

Greek dancing help please? this is pentozali. this is ikariwtikos,my favorite. these youtube uses have many dance tutorials on their pages and check these too

I hate the Slutwalk. What is wrong with people?

Men must be idiots if they choose to rape women based on what women wear. Wait--men are idiots for raping. How come you're not railing on rapists? Why do men love rapists so much???

Pls. Help me, trying to make a megamix?

Try this site: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a there is a video in there that will show you how, and links to download the software

How much would divorce cost me?

well ur now asking a expert on this one.... your divorce will cost u about 3000 and everything that you two bought together will be split in half not unless u can agree on things before u file. and the house will go to u or her which everyone wants it and if u dont want it then it will go up for sale and u will split the profit. since there are no children then nothing will be done about that but try to work things out and settle before court or it will cost both of you so much money and just remember what u pay to the attoney you can replace items u lost in your divorce.... good luck

Marines and Asthma. read details!!!?

I want to be a Marine but have a history of childhood asthma. I have not had ay attacks after my 13th birthday. My last one was when I was 10 and i wasn't even really hospitalized for it. I went to the hospital but was giving no medicine because was fine when I got there. I can run 7 minute mile and have no problem with exercise. I do it everyday. I have cole induced asthma and isn't even that bad. No one act smart with the whole 13th birthday thing because that will just anger me. And no one say lie. Because that is not fair. Plus what will they do to test my asthma? I haven't been treated for it sense i was 12 or so in 8th grade ( have a late birthday). Thanks.

Party playlists... HELP!!!!!?

Try; Wisin Y Yandel, Rkm Y Ken-Y, Pitbul, Lmfao, Kesha, Usher, Chris Brown, Tiesto, David Guetta, etc.

Need hair advice! asap!?

I myslef have dyed my hair red and blonde and red are the two hardest colours to keep because of the stupid roots. my advice is find a hair dresser friend like i did who charges cheap colourings... OR buy the dye just for your roots every few weeks. thats if you want to stay blonde, but i can tell you it will get old quickly so id suggest goin brown :)

Has Plan B reduced the number of Abortions?

Are there any studies on whether the number of abortions per year dropped since Plan B was introduced?

Am in trouble.How to leave this man?

I married my husband because of the money has reduced and i hate him and want to leave but he said he will never let me go because its for better for worse and yesterday i tried to sneak away but he caught me and said i should go in our room and never come out till he fckin says so.i hate him.and am scared of him now.what do i do?

My 8th month baby eyesight problem +4.00/-2.25 at 180?

Went for routine checkup to pediatric opthamoligist (eye specialist), doctors has checked has suggested she has power of +4.00/-2.25 180, and suggested to hace specs from now, my baby is only 8 months old, and will not able to hold & keep her specs, can anybody suggest what is the meaning of +4.00/-2.25 eyesight, and is their any other method to reduce power, ?

In New York have authorized the marriage g.ay. ......, what do you think? ?

I heard this on FOX, but for me they wrong. In nature we must match up with the opposite sex! soon, for me we might marry an animal. So, what do you think for that?

Knights of the old republic 2 lag?

im playing it on my elite xbox 360 and it lags whenever i get into a fight a lot and i cant seem to play any idea on how to reduce it

Song of Generation Y (1980-1995)?

For my High School sociology assignment we are supposed to come up with a song that "embodies" our generation so to say. Me I'm born 94 so I'm kinda at the cut off , so I was thinking Tik Tok by Kesha just as a joke, I mean "party all night, boys, boys, boys" and brushing with Jack :) funny but I want your what song embodies the generation Y ( the offspring of the generation baby boomers ) ??

Do you listen to crap music, if so which "artists"?

I don't know who sings it,but I liked that song When I'm Kissing You. It's a pop song by either a Disney or Nick pop star,which I normally hate.

Why do people seem to forget their brains when they get in their car/truck?

Oh my gosh I feel your pain. These same idiots reply when I told them to their face: "Don't be in such a hurry. Enjoy the view." I was like....really? Enjoy the stop light when I could turn right on red? No thanks. I would rather get to where I am going so I can contribute to society rather than piss people off.

Homosexuality in the Military?

Homosexuality is rampant in the American military. Homosexual rape is the biggest problem facing America. The U.S. government and media don't talk about this issue because it is very upsetting to the general public.

Thumbs up for Ke$ha and Heather Morris do Tik Tok together?

Should Heather Morris and Ke$ha do Tik Tok together....she sounded soo amazing on Glee "Blame it on the Alcohol" or is it already done... :S

My baby eyesight +4/-2.25, what does it means?

Went for routine checkup to pediatric opthamoligist (eye specialist), doctors has checked has suggested she has power of +4.00/-2.25 180, and suggested to have specs from now, my baby is only 8 months old, and will not able to hold & keep her specs, can anybody suggest what is the meaning of +4.00/-2.25 eyesight, and is their any other method to reduce power, ?

Where can i get the song...?

Can someoone help me find where can i get the song Tik Tok Remix by T. Mills please? Thank you very much :)

Should I bu blu rays straight away or wait until they get reduced?

I don't if I should buy blu rays straight away because I like the new releases but then should I wait a few month and get them for half the price or should I just buy it now for the extra few quid that it normally drops

What is a good Medication to take for Anxiety and please explain why?

8 benzos?!! Smoke weed no side effects but relaxation from anxiety, increased appetite and sometimes drowsiness. Be sure it's legal In your area!

Is designer better than regular clothig?

Like jeans and tops is it really ay better than something for less? Like seven jeans instead of levis. What's The real difference

I just bumped my head on something pretty hard.i didnt bleed too bad, but now im hearing a clicking sound..?

Normally I would say that what you hear is just the throbbing sound from the hit. Not unusual if you had a major hit on the head. Put ice on it. That will make the swelling go down and it should make the throbbing go away too. If you still hear it even after you ice it down, then I don't know what it is/could be more serious. If you have a skull fracture, the pain will get worse, no matter what you do. If that happens, go to a Dr.

Would a Justin Bieber Tik Tok parody be successful?

Me and my friend were thinking and we thought what if we made a Tik Tok by Kesha parody but about Justin Bieber and just maybe upload it to Youtube. Now, before I commit to this I need to know from real people to see if this would get a lot of views. I don't want any super fans commenting on this question because you all are just going to tell me that I suck and Justin works hard and all that crap. I just need to know if it's going to get views. Thanks!!

What are all the songs from kesha?

I don't understand how people can figure out how to ask a question on here, but can't figure out how to use google.

Pleeeeease help me find this rap song! 10 points!?

You may have better luck getting an answer if you asked in the Entertainment category. Sorry I can't help.

Guy in beginning of tik tok?

whos the guy thats sorta talking in the backround in the beginning of tik tok? is that just some random guy?

I wan't to enlist in the Marines? (Read description please)?

i saw how you said you worry about stuff if that's true then its not for you because if your panicking then not only will you get yourself killed you might get your buddy killed and if you have turrets then they might not accept you and you'll have to shave your head ha. get a good mind set, be mentally tough as **** and you can do it best of luck to you

Suzuki ay 50 water cooled cylinder head nut torque?

the correct torque setting for this model is 10 NM this is from the manual and usualy done after a rebuild however if you are tightening due to a water leak best to fix this problem first.

Can you buy 10 dollars worth of cocaine?

i always wondered that or do they only sell eight balls ? because i remember one time in 11th grade some kid in my math class was trying to buy cocaine off this one dealer and he asked him how much do u have and he said oh i got 20 and the dealer just laughed in his face and walked away and im wondering because one of my neighbors sells it and my friend wants to try it (dont judge or give us that oh dont try drugs crap or if u got caught bla blah blah please and thank u were trying everything once just answer the question) and he has 20 but doesnt wanna buy a whole 20 just a 10 to try it but he doesnt wanna walk up to the dealer and say ay give me a dime of coke and end up looking stupid if they dont sell 10's so do they or not ?

Two friends leave the same point and hike in different direction. The displacement...?

two friends leave the same point and hike in different direction. The displacement component for the hiker are Ax=15km and Ay=-4km and for the other hiker Bx=2km and By=8km. determine the smallest angle between their paths.

How do I explain this to my haor stylist?

It's dark auburn, so weather you get it done by a hairstylist or by yourself, look for the color dark auburn. Good luck! :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I don't want to go on vacation with my mom alone?

She has booked the hotel & flight to England but now that I am definitely going, I don't know if I should??? I think I should, instead, be going with my dad? I think it is strange to be going on a holiday to London with my mom only; have I made the wrong decision? (really really stupid question here:) has this masculinity (im 16)???. I dunno what to do >.< what should I do?

WHat should i do? im getting abused?

ok so yea this is gonna be to the point. i emailed my princaple im getting abused by my mother she said to talk to her but i dont know wht the result will be. my mom abuses me a lot. she hits me on the head with stuff she blames everything on me I SWEAR!! even if its someone elses fsuilt. i just dont know how to explain to u all but its just.... abuse. she loves me sorta but she abuses me. she compares me to my brothers (older) and my sister (younger) when im obvously more studoius and when they do something bad oh nothing happens. i swear she abuses me a lot. i never went to y freinds house. i never went out with friends im 12 and today my mom threw me outta the house for saying to my dad she deosnt deserved to ay sorry to. so i run down the steps my dad was going out with mom when he made me go back in. but i said if shes in the same house as me ill leave. i called her a donkey and stuff. and i admit a talk back but she makes me. and she says at times its my dads fault for me having a tounge that talks back. and please dont say talk to her. i dont know wht to do. i rlly dont. and theres so much more she does

Can you get a reduced price on iTunes if you have already bought some of the episodes?

Can I get a reduced price for the season of the tv episodes if I have already bought some of them? You can do something like this with albums of music.

How do I get Ke$ha hair if I have the emo cut?

That depends on how straight and un-curly your hair naturally is. If there's no way it would ever look like Ke$ha's hair even if you didn't shower for 2 or 3 days, then you will have to use conditioners and other products to achieve it.

Trigonometry problem solving #14?

a lighthouse 128 ft high, is observed to subtend 3.45 degrees from a boat. Reduce this angle to mils and estimate the distance from the boat to the lighthouse

POLL do you think insomnia can caused by a habit?

what i mean is like for people who have insomnia and only sleep for a few hours on a daily basis, do u think your body will just adjust to that and be used to not sleeping? like your not doing it on purpose, for example, like if u wake up everyday ay 6am ,it becomes a routine and your body just automatically wakes up at 6am

Why do songs have lines that have nothing to do with the rest of the song?

Especially pop and rap. Ke$ha would be singing about hitting the city and partying, then she's talking about her undying love for some guy and how he's got her. It's not just tik tok, it's most popular songs nowadays. It's annoying.

States of matter song?

For my project i have to make a three states of matter song and sing it to an instrumental song. What are some good songs that i can sing to? PLEASE HELP. something not too upbeat, like tik tok is good and easy but everyone is doing it...

Need help finding a song!?

Well I don't know the song and if I heard it I wouldn't know either so I can't really do this myself but, all you have to go is go to google and just type in any sentence of the lyrics you heard and then push search, it sould tell you:) it always works for me!

Is there really a practical solution to global warming?

I mean, even if it does gain momentum and many countries are willing to impose taxes to reduce their carbon emissions, there are still countries who aren't willing to impose carbon taxes on its populace to reduce their emissions. No matter how hard or successful these countries become by reducing carbon taxes, there is nothing they can do about regulating another country's pollution or carbon emissions. Seeing as most people and governments are not and will never be for a one-world government or care about future generations, is there even a practical solution to global warming? Will global warming mark the end of the human race? I sure hope another intelligent and sentient species evolves and takes our place as the care-takers of earth, and that they aren't as naturally selfish and greedy as their predecessors (humans).

My girlfriend has cheated on me and now she want a second chance with me. Not sure what to do?

Its recently come out that my girlfriend has cheated on me. I've suspected it for a few weeks but never been 100% sure. So on monday the chance came along to gather evidence in the form of snopping on her phone. There it was on her phone the evidence i needed to question her about it. I was away last weekend and suspected something my had happened while i was away as she wasnt responding to my texts for up to 3 hours at a time, which is not at all like her. I told her and looked at her phone and asked who this guy is and she burst into tears. I didnt shout or anything just listened to what she had to say. She explained she caught the train to his hometown and went to the seaside for the day. She admitted to kissing him and nothing else which i do believe. I'm fairly sure this was the first time they'd met. After the imital shock and sickness i felt i still feel like i love her and she wants me back but trust is going to be an issue now. I'm just really not sure what to do. Thanks for taking time to read. ay last weekend and suspected something my had happened while i was away as she wasnt responding to my texts for up to 3 hours at a time, which is not at all like her. I told her and looked at her phone and asked who this guy is and she burst into tears. I didnt shout or anything just listened to what she had to say. She explained she caught the train to his hometown and went to the seaside for the day. She admitted to kissing him and nothing else which i do believe. I'm fairly sure this was the first time they'd met. After the imital shock and sickness i felt i still feel like i love her and she wants me back but trust is going to be an issue now. I'm just really not sure what to do. Thanks for taking time to read.

My male pug is 4 months .he wont eat. he hasnt ate anything for nearly 16 hours. any advice.?

Lately (over the past few days his appetite has slowed down, but he was eating. but today he wont touch his food. I put 2 plates down with 2 different foods that he is use to..hes not playing either. When I sweep the floor he usually chases the broom,but didnt move at all today. Hes not vomiting. Ay advice would help. How long before its too long for him not to eat.

Does residency application affect financial aid?

Hi, I am US permanent resident and been in Ohio for more than 1 year, but I'm still not considered as a Ohio resident. The problem is the school that I'm studying charges me the equivalent fee to international student's if I'm non-Ohio resident. I have financial aid but every quarter I have to pay much more for school fees because the pell grants are not enough with it. I am 21 years old and dont live with my mother. In order to reduce school fee, I want to apply for Ohio resident as an independent student because my mom doesnt live here with me, and residency requirement is dependent students have to live with their parents. That's why I want to apply for independence, but financial aid claims me as a dependent student (I have to be dependent student in order to be eligible for financial aid). I dont know if I apply for Ohio residency as independent student, will it conflict with financial aid or not? Or do they not relate anything to each other?

Does he like me or just flirting?

I find this behavior in myself. I flirt with cute girls and ugly girls alike. I doubt he likes you. Guys are good at not showing it so you better ask him whatsup otherwise nothing will happen.

Does this happen to you with iTunes?

I downloaded iTunes recently, but the song keep repeating, say im listening to Tik Tok, the lyric would go like "Don't stop make make it pop" See the repeat? Some songs do it, that I downloaded free, but also songs that I rip from cd's do it too! Is this normal? Does it happen to you too? Oh and say you would download the songs onto your iPod Touch, will it show up like this? Thanks!

What song comes on kiss fm that goes woah uhh uhh uh uh ohh woah uh uh uh ohh?

They sing pretty fast, I can't tell if its techno but I would hear it at a club probably, it is on kiss fm cause I heard it the other day. It's not blow by kesha, or tik tok, Idk please help

Why don't I see on tumblr "Let People Reply" to my post?

When you make a text post, in the title you have to put a ? at the end. Once you do that, a check box will appear that says "Let people reply"

I'm planning on putting clips of music on my Youtube. Is this against any rules?

There are two clips, about 10-15 seconds long. Of Lady Gaga's Poker Face and Ke$ha's Tik Tok. Will I be breaking any rules?

I am very lazy and dont like working out?

till i want to reduce my thighs and butt!!please help..i dont want gymming please tell me something i can do at home..

Hi:) im 20 years old. Im studying in college. My weight is 95kg. How can i reduce?

eat right and exercise more, by saying eating right i mean healthy diet food with non fat oil, grease food or cheese such as fried chick, pork, ribs or pizza or hamburger or hot dog and exercise by doing what best for you, i started with kick and shadow boxing then i switch to jump rope, then push, squats and pull ups and jogging 45minute to 2 or 3 hours per day, that helps me help and i lost an unbelievable over 130 pound i now weight at 170 pound with pure and lean muscles; so yeah eat healthy food and diet and exercise more everyday, thats should do it. good luck and happy 4th of July.

I feel the sun creeping up like tik tok?

You should go see the doc. before the sun creeps up something u dnt want it to and it'll be too dark to keep running.

Is my husband gay help?

my husband is a coss dresser has been all his life i dont mind it and end of every month i spend the whole weekend with him dressed and have him doing housework and ironing and he can dress on his own on a saturday night okay never had any thoughts he mightbe gay but since the internet most crossdressing sites contain images with cd`s having sex with cd`s or men or when women are involved the women are making cd`s have sex with men...he does look at xdressing does not worry me its the fact although he has no interest in gay porn crossdressers are explicit and have male genitails he says the images arouse him as they look like women not men but i cant agree they display erections ,,when hes dressed as a man he has no interest in sissy porn at all ... another thing i cant get round he will mastubate looking at himself in a mirror but i think they all do thatt he so aroused looking ay his own winkie??can other cd`s or wifes off please give their views on this....janice..x

Reduce mail cost from New zealand to China?

Hi I just set up an trading company. I want mail some New zealand brand baby milk powder to China. which better brand do you recommend? what is the cheapest way to mail about 10kgs powder? the time about 2-3weeks.

Where can i get the song...?

Can someoone help me find where can i get the song Tik Tok Remix by T. Mills please? Thank you very much :)

I want to write a song but don't now where to begin!?

To write your first song you have to dig deep into your feelings and get lost in a time that made you happy or sad

Como se llama esta cancion nortena?

es una cancion ke ohi en la radio kuando vivia en michoacan ase 1 anio asi k no es resiente, pero era estilo norteno o banda, y repetia la palabra "compa" mucho, y kuando la busko asi sale la cancion komo de la raza obrera pero esa no es, alguien ke sepa kien la canta, perdon es todo lo ke se, son dos compas ablandoses segun en la cancion y no es la de los tocayos , es casi egual k la cancion de tocayo , porke repite la palabra compa igual ke en la cancion los dos tocayos repiten la palabra tocayo., gracias por adelantado. ( y reitero otraves ke la cansion no dise nomas COMPA un ves porke ay un chingo de canciones ke disen kompa, pero esta dise , compa, y el otro le responde kompa, y le dise el otro kompa, ) eskuchen la cancion de los 2 tocayos de julion alvarez pa ke se den una idea, y porfas no salgan kon eso del movimiento alterado k me vomito estan mejor los corridos de carlos el centenario k todos los movimientos alterados juntos :) . pero ayeden k la llevo buskando ase tiempo esta

Help with my cramps, they seem to be worse today?

I've had really bad cramps today, and yesterday. I used to get cramps about 3 weeks out of every month when I was younger, then when I was 19 I started birth control and didn't have them very badly, I'm 21 still on birth control. But today they're just painful. Lower back and side pain. What can I do to reduce the pain, preferably without using Advil and Tylenol, they tend to not help.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

How to get motivated to exercise/move around?

Im pretty fast in my class.But not the fastest.Yet i bearly excercise.I run alot at school and ran a 3km ace but bearly excercise...I think school was the only thing that excercised me now its summer break.I d swimming lesssons in the summer but thats not enough.Whats a fun way or a good ay to motivate me to excise? Im in elementary school and my parents have to work my 14 year old brother looks after us but all he does is play video games.I also mostly play video games.The only time i have fun running around/excising moving is when im with my friends :( But my parents have to work

Plastic surgery question?

I guess its possible but I would definitely consider that your ribs are there for a reason - to protect your organs! Obviously the removal of your ribs on one side was necessary, but removing them on the other side purely for looks could put you in danger if you were to get in to a situation such as a car crash or a violent incident.Obviously you need to discuss this with a doctor who can discuss the pros and cons, and whether this kind of surgery is even possible! Maybe it is even feasible to have some false ribs constructed on your other side. Good luck with it! And congrats on the weight loss!

What is the name of the singer in the key of awe$ome?

I'm talking about the girl in the Kesha Tik tok Parody a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Iberostar song in jamaica, at rose hall suites HELP!?

I need to know the name of the song that would be the intro to the shows. So, its NOT dale pa'lla....its the one that goes like jump! blah blah blah blah blah blah blah (i dont think the song is speaking english).....then crazy kenny would go ah ahh ah ah! (or AY AY AY AY) and the crowd would answer it back. Need help!!!

Honestly guys, do you like your job and your salary? do you think it's enough?

There is a whole world of difference between networking, pyramiding, and network marketing. They are not the same. Do not confuse them.

How can you work out, gain muscle and NOT be sore in the morning?

I want to start to work out and lift weights but I don't know how to get results. Right now I am 165 pounds 5'10 height all skin, bones and fat. What can I do to get like (best person I can think of) The Rock or Bruce Lee with out the use of drugs. Also any tips on reducing sore muscles would be nice to. Does Tylenol work or anyt other over the counter medicine work? AND lastly what type of diet should I use, I'm thinking Atkins diet. DOUBLE LASTLY how about those powder things that you put in water do they really help if so whats the best one? Thx

Lactation advice... fenugreek/ blessed thistle?

Hi there, I'm not really having any issues but I'm worried my baby is not getting enough so I was told to buy fenugreek so I went and bought it but the lady ay the store told me to get blessed thistle as well because they go hand In hand, so I bought it BUT it says as well as for lactating mothers its especially for increasing ur appetite. I'm already over weight after just having my son the only reason I would need to increase my appetite is just to remind me to eat because I forget to sometimes or get busy with my baby or my other two sons otherwise I don't need to gain weight or increase my appetite... so I guess the question is do I really need blessed thistle as well as fenugreek? Thanks

Can I/How would I use a TV as my primary computer monitor?

I was thinking of replacing my computer monitor with a 25" TV, and I was wondering if there is anything I need to take into consideration before doing so. I was also wondering whether or not this would improve or reduce the quality, and by how much. Any/all input is much appreciated.

How do you make videos on youtube from video clips?

Like, you know how you can get tributes and stuff or make a music video with clips from a show like for example (bad example, I know) Kesha Tik Tok Spongebob version....if you get what I mean. XD

Can anybody help make me a tumblr name?

I personally love 3OH!3 so you could do lyrics from We Are Young like, Blow out the speakers, Dance with the devil, or many other parts from the song. Hope I helped! :D

Who's bright idea was it to invent cars? Can we do without cars?

If we got rid of all automobiles we would most likely starve over time until the population was reduced enough to were we could self sustain on what we grew or slaughtered locally. With a massive population like the US has, feeding everyone in each city on only local food stores would be impossible. People underestimate how much transportation plays a part in stocking the grocery store.

Should I be concerned?

I have a 2 year old daughter...had a normal pregnancy with her. Have never had a miscarriage or an abortion. I am 19.....dont drink or smoke and have never had an std. I am currently 7 weeks pregnant with my second child and am worried....when I was pregnant with my daughter I had morning sickness really bad ay this point. The only thing I have now is breast soreness. My first doctor appointment is next month. I heard if you dont have alot of pregnancy symptoms youll miscarry. Should I be concerned?

Sky Anytime Plus help?

I recently set up my Sky HD box to receive anytime plus and there was a veritable banquet of movies and tv shows to see. Now, for some reason, I go on and there is only a handful of shows in each category including the films (of which there used to be hundreds). Have they reduced the package or do I need to resent the box?

What do you think of Avia?

I like Avia Isabelle best :) both those names are very cute. I would pronounce it Ay-vee-uh and I think it sounds adorable. It can also be a nickname for Avianna

Masasabi mo ba na ikaw ay mabuting mamamayan?

Oo naman. Bumabayad ako ng buwis, bumoboto ako para sa sino mang sa tingin ko ang marunong mamahala sa bansa, at hindi naman ako sumusubsob sa krimen. Siyempre hindi ako perpekto at minsan ayokong humintay na maging berde ang ilaw bago tumatawid sa daan pero kung tingnan natin ang kalahatan, ayos lang naman ako bilang mamamayan :)

Is drinking a small amount of vinegar safe?

Ive been drinking a small amount of normal vinegar every night cause i heard it reduces acne, i don't have an extreme case of acne but i get pimples that really bug me from time to time. I just would like to know if its actually a remedy for acne and if its safe to drink a small quantity daily (and how much of that quantity i can drink). Thanks.

How to remove dandruff ?

After you use anti dandruff shampoo, use a really thick conditioner. It helps moisturize your scalp and reduce the amount of dry flakes (dandruff) you give off.

How to transfer to UP Diliman Archi? Thank you!?

As far as I know, maccredit ung units na nakuha mo. Kaso, kung kulang, you have to complete it. Pag nagapply ka, you are required to choose 2 branches ng UP. So better write UP Diliman and UP Baguio/Clark/Los Ba�os. Kase If you'll write UP Manila and Diliman, pag bumagsak ka sa Manila, for sure, bagsak ka rin sa Diliman.:) It's a quota course so dapat mataas ang grades mo and you should be able to go beyond the limit ng Archi sa test. Good luck!:)

Does walking really help you lose weight fast?

Does walking help you lose weight, slim stomach and love handles down, and tone up legs and reduce cellulite??

How to get better sleep?

ok so i used sleep normally ,i went to bed at 9 p.m and woke up ay 7p.m to jog 4 miles and then i took my vitamins and had breakfast and had a normal day. but that was back in middle school now im in 11th grade and im 16 .......i have a girlfreind and she always wants to text me at O,dark thirty ..i end up falling asleep when she stops texting me usually around 3:30 - 4:00 a.m and wake up at 12:00 - 1:00 p.m .... but recently days have been feeling shorter... its like i wake up really irratable sometimes and i am sensitive to light and i wake up and go for my run everyday and have my vitamin but by the time i have breakfast its allready 3:00 - 4:00 p.m ...and i am rady to have fun but i only have 2 hours of daytime and then the sun starts to go to i break this bad habit? i have been feeling really depressed lately becuase i lose sleep

Why does it hurt to take out a tampon?

OK, so this is like my 4th period, and it was a gorgeous day, so I wanted to swim. My mom bought me a box of tampons, the tampax lites, which are like the smallest ones. I put one in like for 5 hours or so, and it went in fine. But then when I took it out, it hurt badly. I used another one after, thinking it was just the first one that hurt, but I just took it out before bed and it almost reduced me to tears. I know I should leave it in longer, but it was right before bed. Is there any way to make it less painful?

Christians, how do you explain the existence of God?

Christians always say that Atheists have a problem because they can't answer the question "Why is there something instead of nothing" and That they don't have that problem because they believe God created the something. But then I can't help buy wonder Why God exists? If you reduce the something back from the universe to God then you're just left with having to explain God, so I ask you theists, How do you explain God?

Martha believes that a relaxation technique involving visualization will help people with mild insomnia fall a?

Martha believes that a relaxation technique involving visualization will help people with mild insomnia fall asleep faster. She randomly selects a sample of 20 participants from a group of mild insomnia patients and randomly assigns 10 to receive visualization therapy. The other 10 participants receive no treatment. Each participant is then measured to see how long (in minutes) it takes him or her to fall asleep. Martha's data are below. The numbers represent the number of minutes each participant took to fall asleep. No Treatment (X1) Treatment (X2) 22 19 18 17 27 24 20 21 23 27 26 21 27 23 22 18 24 19 22 22 The assignment (1-2 pages): Please respond to the following questions related to the research study and data presented in the "To Prepare" section. Should Martha use an independent-samples t-test or a related samples t-test? Explain your answer. What are the independent and dependent variables? Using the fact that Martha believes the treatment will reduce the amount of time to fall asleep, state the null and alternate hypotheses. Would you use a one-tailed or two-tailed test? Explain your response. What is the df? Consider that a = .05. Then use Appendix B, Table 2 to determine the critical value, state the value, and how you found it. Consider that tobt = 1.49. Report the statistical results using the correct format. What should Martha conclude? e T-Test


Hi I know this sounds strange, but I have an extreme blushing problem and I have heard hemorrhoid cream works for some people to reduce the redness caused by blushing. I want to find a cheap brand to buy in Ireland, one that preferably people have tried to treat blushing before. Can anyone tell me of such a brand that you do not need a prescription for? And only if you have tried it what the results are and wether it is too greasy? Thank you, please don't reply except with direct responses.

Curly girls, what are your tips for reducing frizz?

I ADORE all John Freida products. They are infact, amazing. Not to mention they are proffessional quality, but not tooo expensive. CHI is really great, but it IS expensive.

Great dance songs for a dance medley?

I am making a medley for a variety show at my school, I need songs that would be easy to dance to with choreography, like tik tok, and PunkRock Chick, and like a g6, so I need some songs like that, new-ish and recognizable that can have a choreographed dance :)

I have this real big hate on this person?

I cant take it anymore, i hate this person so much i get a stomach ache when thinking of the person, I even wished death upon him but of coarse i would never do that, i was just so angry and it felt better when i said to the person that i wished they were dead. The problem is i hate the person for reasons in the past and i though i ws done with them, then my best friend got friends with the person i hate, i was happy for my friend of coarse i mean he is my best friend and i am happy when he found a new friend. Then we talked and he started talking about the person i hate very much like every day, i never said something cause i mean he is my friend and he is happy talking with me about his new friend but it started getting annoying and i felt realy bad about it because my friend like the person but i hated the person. Then he started telling me things the person told him about me behind my back, he told me the person said that things me and that person did in the past were all crap and dumb ect. and it really hurt me cause that was the only good memory i had from the friendship i had with the person i now had, so i just exploded cause i couldnt take it anymore my best friend talking about this person all the time and that person talking behind my back, so thats when i said i wish you were dead to the person and that they were the worst person i have ever met in my life. Then my best friend stopped talking about that person and i once again though the topic was over again but he managed to after like 3 weeks bring the topic up again and now he starts again and i always sit there on the phone going ah ok yeah very nice when he talks with me about this person, but he doesnt get i dont wanna talk about it and every time he talks about the person it hurts me cause it reminds me of the time i didnt hate that person and the way the person made me feel bad for such a long time and it just hurts... anyways i wanted to take some time away from my best friend cause i know when i confront him with the thing that he should keep it down talking about the person, my best friend will tik-out and say yeah do this and that and i wanna talk about that person cause blablabla. But i cant just go away and not say why i wanna take a break cause i mean he is my best friend. :( i feels so full of hate and everything and it is starting to also go on my best friend cause he always brings this person up, i just wanna have a break and relax from that sad felling i get from him talking about that person. Pease Help!!!! Thank you in advance, i hope its ok that i didnt give names as i want to keep the names of the involved private :)

Poll: Did ya see the old lady Ke$ha version of Tik Tok?

If ya haven't, you MUST!!! a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Friday, August 5, 2011

Why Rebecca Black's Friday getting so much hate?!?

it's sad. I don't like her song , don't get me wrong , it was pretty bad (especially since she bought something and never actually put any imagination into "her song" )but people just like to pick on the little people. the unknown, the young kids. also, people like to jump on the hate wagon. you see someone hate something, then someone else starts hating it. I wonder how many people secretly like it.

How do YOU pronounce the name Helena?

I pronounce it Hel-en-uh. I actually don't really like the name Helena all that much, the way I say it. I prefer Helen, but I think it's prettier said Hel-ay-nuh. I've never heard it pronounced that way, but it sounds very pretty.

The morality of suicide?

No but the lack of technology that allows us to sit on the couch rather than hunt for food does. the week are able to survive rather than die and make things like allergies and bad vision less common. and there would be considerable less retards and dwarfs (not 100% though, there are always mutations)

Have I done enough for tomorrow (convincing mum and dad to get me a hamster)?

Ok so my mum knows how well I take care of our puppy, Snoopy as I feed him every day, take him for walks down the woods sometimes and play with him. I have got a very good report and a lot of my mates get presents for good school reports but I don't usually :( I have wanted a hamster a while ago, before I got my rat (RIP Sam) and now I really want one again. I'm afraid they'll say no cuz my mum says they are really noisy at night which is ok for me as I am a heavy sleeper, but not ok for my parents as they are light sleepers. I would give it exercise before bedtime to help reduce the use of the wheel. Becuase I took care of Sam so well I hope they'll say yes. I made a poster and powerpoint to show them tomorrow - anything else I can do except wait? I've even got sorted where the cage can go.

What will be my theoretical framework in my thesis on the significance of automated system in Customs?

please answer to my question, I have problem about theoretical framework. Hypothesis for the research is Automated system facilitates trade, reduces corruption and makes a major contribution to the budget of the country.

Please help... Worried about HIV or STDs?

go get a blood test that's all you can do to find out. but what i dont get is that ur ex is saying this because if he got with you then he has whatever you have lol.

Could it be possible...?

There is no reason why this could not work, although the orbital mechanics could drive it into shapes that may be sort of unexpected - like a ring, or an arc.

How to fight soreness?

I havent worked out for a few months and im starting to get back into it. I worked out yesterday and i woke up super sore. Is there a way to reduce soreness?

Why do Democrats become hostile, when I tell them that Obama is a Marxist Militant Atheist.?

Stalingrad on the River Volga. was the Birthplace of Soviet Marxist Militant Atheism. Even the Atheist Adolf Hitler knew, that Stalingrad would have to be reduced to rubble, in order to achieve his goal of a 1,000 Year Atheist Third Reich. Hitler did destroy Stalingrad, as predicted 1,000 years earlier by the Atheist...Nostradamus. One problem that Nostradamus over looked. it cost Hitler 100% of the top 25% of his entire German Army. Along with most of the Italian, Hungarian and Romanian Reserve Forces. Taking Stalingrad cost Hitler his dream of a 1,000 Year Atheist Third sad. And Obama will lose next years Election, for Lying about being a GOD fearing Christian. how glad....

Tips on dating in secret?

So my parents are the biggest idiots to ever live. (for more info go to my other question,;_ylt=AtbkBkupS.wEdWMageC8xwPsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110701173048AAmMPLF ). They won't let me date even though I'm 15. However, there was this guy who's been my friend for 6 years. Yesterday he asked me to be his girlfriend. I want to say yes (and if fact I did), but my parents hate him and want me to have nothing to do with him. Ay advice on how to play it?

Hate it, Love it, or Neutral on this Uncommon Name!?

It looks like a typo of Sadie so it would probably be mispronounced. To be honest if that was my name I would just call myself Sadie, because Saide sounds too boyish. Why not just Jade or Sage?

I am really stuck here, its hard to leave it when you feel something this deep for someone!?

Ok well i liked this girl for maybe 5 monthes,i known her as a friend for about 3 years, we got on well. She lives up the SAME road as me. She said things in the past which made me think she liked me as a person and saw me as future relationship material. Then this year i didnt see her for ages...then febuary i asked her to come out with me and a friend for a drink and catch up. Then she saw me and straight away i could tell she sort of fancied me..its not a secret i changed alot this year and alot of girls find me attractive now. She took a massive interest in me and really gazed in admiration a few times. A month later i randomly see her when iw as out with my m8s in this busy place...she left ehr table and came up to me and was like don't even speak to me...then a week later i seeher and she was all good with me acting almsot like a victim to me, saying lots more things which gave the impression she sort of fancied me a bit. This girl lost her dad a yr and a half ago...shes known as a game player..boys say she thinks shes too good for any boy and a pricktease. But we really connected and yet the games went on, is tuck with ehr because i knew the real her the one i was friends with the one from a ncie family, with an easy going personality most of the time, iw anted to be with her. Then i was asking her to come out and ended up arguing with her telling her soemtimes i jsut cant get through to you you got issues. Now that made her go mad, thats the one bad thing i have ever sed to her. But ic alled ehr and apologised and she sed it was fine, but then all the dirty looks began, i ignored them and kept trying. Anyway this all ended in me texting her and telling her i was mad about her and iw anted to be with her.... she was like but your so horrible to me?... then proceeded tos ay i'd upset her too much. i said tell me how you feel and she took quite a bit longer to reply but then sed sorry i jsut don't feel the same way. now this is a frustrating postition because im so stuck, i know she liked me and i know her problems. One of my friends said just move on and ignore her but the other said when you see her next just say you want to talk...Then tell her everything, tell her you know shes got a right to be distrusting of boys and thatyou know you shouldnt of said what you did. i've really kept going with this i kept calling you i kept trying, it takes alot for me to like a girl and your the first i ever really told...the fact she lives so close to me makes me sort of wanna put a lid on the whole situation. Rather than smile and pretend im all good. But other people say shes a bit younger and these are all inmature games, shes a very attractive girl that doesnt quite know what she wants, she ll run back to you... but its really hard for me to just walk away without putting it all out there. Can some one help!

Easy 10 points: a good song to create a dance routine for?

A nice one is "Back to December" by Taylor Swift. I'm not a huge Taylor Swift fan, but it's a good song to dance to. Just make sure that your choreography flows with the music, but don't make it like... cheesy, or dance word by word. Like how little kids dance "Hot and Cold" or whatever that song's called. Just have parts of your song correspond to the lyrics, but not too much.

Cures for Stretch Marks?? (Moms!)?

What did you use after or during your pregnancy to reduce or get rid of your stretch marks? How long did you have to use it? &How good did it work?

Why can't metals be extracted from their oxides by electrolysis of aqueous solutions?

I know that the metals K, Na, Ca, Mg and Al oxides cannot be reduced by carbon or carbon monoxide to get the metal.I also know they have to be obtained by electrolysis of molten compounds. but why cant it be aqueous solution??

How can I return the oversized Yahoo page to fit my pc screen? Why does the "Send" button not work?

Since the newer version was installed Jul. 1, 2011, I have no taskbar capability to enlarge/reduce sizes of images, i.e., various per centages of zoom. Also, I cannot send e-mails!

How to make two motors travel at the same speed?

I am making a differential drive robot with two identical motors. However, one motor is slightly more powerful than the other so that when i want the robot to go straight it turns slightly. Is there a simple circuit I could attach to one of the motors to reduce its speed and synchronise both motors?

I don't feel like eating anymore?

Do whatever you want. If you don't eat you die, but clearly you know that and have decided to ignore that minor fact. If you want to be healthy try eating all of the essential food groups and if you can't then see your doctor. Get help

Is My Name Really That Bad?

My name is Senna (Seh-Nuh) Alexria (Uh-Lex-Ree-uh) Avery (Ay-vur-ee) and I keep getting made fun of. I like my name, but all my friends hate it. Is it bad? Why or why don't you like it?

I feel worthless, me?

i feel very sad and worthless. i had always been a nice girl . every one expected me to do great. but right now feel my badluck has really taken over. i cant get admission to a good college. my boy friend broke up with me. i dont even have much friends to be with. my parents are far too busy!! I'm getting into depression i guess. i dont wanna do any ay thin. just feel like..hibernating for days

Does anyone know the name to this song?

It has a very electro/techno-ish feel and starts off with a male voice saying, "ay" and later switches to a verse and before going into the instrumental parts he would say "y'all mother f*ckers know this sh*t"

Why do people camp so much in MW2?

Well the way i see it is campers are scared of who is rushing them i have played all call of dutys cod4 is full of hackers as well i think hackers are worse then campers i like throwing it in their faces that their a hacker and they cant beat me a normal gamer who has mad killing skills >:P

How can i meet shahrukh khan?

basically im just a huge fan of shahrukh khan and one ay i would like to meet him, is there anyway i can meet him lol an i'm willing to pay to travel to meet him

Tagalog/Filipino=Chinese of Southeast Asia?

People tell me that Tagalog/Filipino language sounds as if it were the Chinese of Southeast Asia, meaning it sounds kinda like Chinese, but for SE Asia. I sorta understand what they mean though, because the "aw" in a word is pronounced "ao", and "ay" in a word is pronounced "ai" (like the word laway. (pronounced LAO-WAI)) It was even mistaken for Japanese once or twice (it happened to me before, don't know about others.) For example, it has the "ah" sounds, "ai" sounds, "eh" sounds, & "oh" sounds. I dunno though, what do you think? I completely disagree with those statements that it sounds Spanish. In my opinion, that's only because of the different Spanish vocab. If anything, we have more Chinese vocabulary/Chinese sounding words then Spanish (we have words originating from Hokkien, Fujianese, Cantonese, etc.) I don't know though. What do you think? Does Tagalog/Filipino=Chinese of Southeast Asia, or sound similar to Chinese/Japanese? Please help! :)

Recently found my mom having sex with another woman (that i know!)?

Your mother is an adulteress and she needs to wake up to herself. She is going to destroy your family with her lusts for other women.

Why does everybody hate ke$ha?

Well obviously not everyone hates Ke$ha since she is so popular haha. The reason why maybe it seems like a lot of people hate her is because she is well known by everyone and the more people that know about an artist, the more haters ther are going to be. I personally dont like her music much but most kids at my school like her so not everyone hates her haha

Since gas prices have increased do you drive as much?

Nope. Where Im from transportation is everything. We tried to have a holiday where no one drove their car or bought gas to see if gas would go down and no one participated lol. I think if gas was 10 dollars a gallon people would still buy it instead of investing a bike and working off some of thoses calories.

How is Ke$ha a Singer when she Raps more than she sings?

Nowadays in the mainstream, rapping and singing are becoming pretty much the same thing. Look at Wiz Khalifa. He's a rapper but in his song "Roll Up" he's crooning through half the song. And look at Flo-Rida he's considered to be a rapper but he's harmonizing in all his songs. Meanwhile Akon has always sang, but he gets labeled as a rapper. I think the line between rapping and singing in mainstream music have become blurred.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

AT&T texing problem? ?

My mom just bought me a phone yesterday called the Pantech Laser. I got a message reading this: AT&T Free Msg: you have exceeded $20 in messaging charges. Go to to learn how to reduce your charges. Omg I'm so scared! I JUST got this phone too! I have this one best friend who texts me A LOT. I have unlimited texting too! Is $20 a lot? Do you think my mom will be mad at me? I'm really nervous. I know I'm very irresponsible -_-. But don't they know the definition of "unlimited"?? Please, help, what should I do? I'm afriad my moms going to be furious at me and take away my phone, but I'm so excited to finally have one because all my friends have one!! So please help me!!

My psp Makes a sound when I enter sleep mode!?

When I am on the game and want to enter sleep mode on my psp,when I push the power switch,there is a noise inside the psp system.I AM NOT USING UMD.Its not the sound of umd.The sound comes form inside the system like(tik tik).Please someone help,is this a common problem?

Which of these brazilian girl names do you like best?

My favorite is Cl�udia, but I also really like Beatriz. I'm Spanish, so I'm familiar with most of these names, and I honestly think that all of these are really beautiful and feminine.

Extremely High Nitrate Levels!!!?

Nitrate isn't harmful. Nitrites and Ammonia are. Although you are going to get an algae bloom with all that nitrate.

Is it possible for me to do this dance?

It is very simple. I would think if you do other dance you could get this down in about an hour or two. Technically, there isn't a whole lot going on. You just have to get it into your body memory. If you are used to learning other dances, this should be a breeze for you.

MakeUp Artist Business Name?

How about Beauty Care Queen? If you need all of the makeup brand names worldwide, you might want to check out website. They offer free shipping worldwide.

What is this song called and whose it by?

Eh baby by nicole sc ,sorry can't spell her surname ,she was a pussycat doll and she is now a judge for x factor in america .

Pleeeeease help me find this rap song! 10 points!?

um, i dont really know if it could be it, but is there a slight chance that it is in the morning by J.cole ft. drake?

Is St. Ives good for mild acne?

I have mild acne on my forehead, and am wondering if the Naturally Clear Green Tea Cleanser from St. Ives will reduce it. I cannot use a scrub because my skin is sensitive

Why wont my Minecraft GUI go back to Large?

I was messing around with my minecraft video settings to see which could help reduce lag. I clicked on the GUI scale and now it wont go back to "Large". Whenever i go from "Normal" to "Large", it stays at the same size as "Normal" and it drives me crazy because i like having big menu buttons, hotbars, and invetory. How do i fix this?

Are Republicans working to ensure the re-election of Barack Obama?

We cant say this is the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. From the looks of it they already know Obama will win in 2012. It looks to me as if they are opening the door for the tea party to take over the republican party. Now I know tea party and republican are the same name. Only the tea party is open with their rhetoric something the republicans have tried to hide. They seem to be preparing the tea party take over. They seem to think in the coming years they can again take the white house with a tea party rhetoric president. I have to admit , they are no dummies when it comes to tactics of take overs. It is quite scary when you think about it.

Can I use a regular mouthwash and a whitening one?

Well I was trying to get my teeth really white for the big event im going to in a couple of weeks and I was wondering if I can use two kinds of mouthwashes? One a whitening mouthwash and the other a mouthwash with alot of benefits? Like, I use Crest Invigorating mouthwash and I like it alot because it fights gingivitus, reduces plaque etc. so it has alot of good benefits and I really like it but I also need to get my teeth white fast so I want to use whitening toothpaste and mouthwash but still want to use the invigorating mouthwash can I use both? if so which should I use first and which should I use second? Thanks!

What are some good new songs? come on guys this is easy!!?

Hmm, well.. If you like slow songs and inspiring songs, check out the band ' Never Shout Never'. His songs on the album ' Harmony' are really good, kind of slow and romantic! :D If you like Tik Tok, try other Ke$ha songs like Crazy Beautiful Life or Kiss 'n Tell. The Ready Set is another good band you should check out.. songs by him include, Love Like Woe, Spinnin, and More Than Alive.. Hope this helped!

What are your favorite out of these baby names?

I LOVE the names Bentley, Jasper and Reid for the boys. As for the girls i love Raemi (very unique), and Jaylen.

Really itchy skin, any suggestions?

I have had really itchy skin for about 6 weeks now. It started with my thighs, I went to see a doctor and they prescribed an ointment which I used for 2 weeks. It seems to help a little on the area where I used it, but as soon as I stopped using it came back full force and is now spreading. I have random small red rashes on my back, legs, and arms that itch so bad it wakes me up at night. I tried oatmeal bath and Eucerin anti-itch creme, but it only reduces the itching - it doesn't make it go away, and only works for a few hours. I haven't slept well for a few weeks now, and I am not sure what else I can do to get rid of this. We changed our laundry detergent a few months ago, but the itching didn't start until a few weeks ago, and it is the sensitive skin detergent - no dyes, or other chemicals. I have not changed any other products that I use. Thank you for any advice!!!

Do i get a new or reduced price phone when i am added onto a tmobile plan?

i recently switched to tmobile. my dad added me on his plan, and renewed his contract. can i get a free or reduced price phone because i got added on?

Tik tik tik tik BOOM! song?

I think its a reasonably old song but I am NOT talking about tick tik boom by the Hives. In the dance when it says boom you cross your hands over your chest and stick your legs out, it might be from the 90s but I am not sure

Is Ke$ha The Signer Married Or Egaged Or In Any Realashionship?

In her TiK ToK music video I see a ring on the finger where she gets married and stuff, please answer?

Do girls get intimidated by cute or good looking guys?

I have a friend who no homo alot of girls says hes cute and hot but he has never had a girlfriend. From what i know hes mad quiet in class. He dresses gangsta maybe dats it but girls seem like they nervous around him. Some girls just stare at him but never say nothing or walk pass him n look ay him. So do girls not talk to him because they dont know him or because his appearance intimidates them?

How can I reduce the size of my pores?

I have large pores, and I really hate it...How can I reduce the size of my pores? I mean naturally, not just covering them with makeup. Thank you.

I am having a really hard time trying to?

You could try googleing the lyrics you remember. That technique has saved me from many a headache haha.

Really dark skin on each side of my neck and abdomen?

K so when I was younger I had really a horrible rash all over my neck and lower abdomen that I only recently found a way to clear up butt the problem now is that this rash has left very dark spot on my neck and abdomen these spots are all the way down each side of my neck and in a large circle on my abdomen (my skin is about the color of milk chocolate these spots are 2-3 shades darker than that) I want to lighten these spots but I don't know how if anyone has ay ideas they would be appreciated.

How can i reduce my body fat?

Hi, i need to know how can i reduce my body fat specially the abdominal fat, i need to know for example which exercises can i do, diet to follow's, routine's etc, thanks and hope u can help me

What does it take to write a catchy song?

Writing a song takes talent and emotion. When i write something its not about what ideas people gave me but what i felt at the time i wrote it. You must also possess a talent of words and have some intellect. I can gaurantee you that those ladies didnt write their own music, they probably had a whole crew of people to make the beat and words for them.

17 year old guy with bad expression lines?

I'm a 17 year old guy and i already have some pretty bad brow lines. you can clearly see the creases in my skin even when i'm not raising my eyebrows or anything. I try to keep my brow relaxed most of the time, but I also do a lot of acting, which requires a lot of different facial expressions. is there anything i can do to prevent the further formation of brow lines or anything i can do to help reduce the appearance of the ones I already have?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I really need some advice guys :)?

Ok well i liked this girl for maybe 5 monthes,i known her as a friend for about 3 years, we got on well. She lives up the SAME road as me. She said things in the past which made me think she liked me as a person and saw me as future relationship material. Then this year i didnt see her for ages...then febuary i asked her to come out with me and a friend for a drink and catch up. Then she saw me and straight away i could tell she sort of fancied me..its not a secret i changed alot this year and alot of girls find me attractive now. She took a massive interest in me and really gazed in admiration a few times. A month later i randomly see her when iw as out with my m8s in this busy place...she left ehr table and came up to me and was like don't even speak to me...then a week later i seeher and she was all good with me acting almsot like a victim to me, saying lots more things which gave the impression she sort of fancied me a bit. This girl lost her dad a yr and a half ago...shes known as a game player..boys say she thinks shes too good for any boy and a pricktease. But we really connected and yet the games went on, is tuck with ehr because i knew the real her the one i was friends with the one from a ncie family, with an easy going personality most of the time, iw anted to be with her. Then i was asking her to come out and ended up arguing with her telling her soemtimes i jsut cant get through to you you got issues. Now that made her go mad, thats the one bad thing i have ever sed to her. But ic alled ehr and apologised and she sed it was fine, but then all the dirty looks began, i ignored them and kept trying. Anyway this all ended in me texting her and telling her i was mad about her and iw anted to be with her.... she was like but your so horrible to me?... then proceeded tos ay i'd upset her too much. i said tell me how you feel and she took quite a bit longer to reply but then sed sorry i jsut don't feel the same way. now this is a frustrating postition because im so stuck, i know she liked me and i know her problems. One of my friends said just move on and ignore her but the other said when you see her next just say you want to talk...Then tell her everything, tell her you know shes got a right to be distrusting of boys and thatyou know you shouldnt of said what you did. i've really kept going with this i kept calling you i kept trying, it takes alot for me to like a girl and your the first i ever really told...the fact she lives so close to me makes me sort of wanna put a lid on the whole situation. Rather than smile and pretend im all good. But other people say shes a bit younger and these are all inmature games, shes a very attractive girl that doesnt quite know what she wants, she ll run back to you... but its really hard for me to just walk away without putting it all out there. Can some one help!

Sunburn help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Tommrow I'm in my friends quince and ihave a sun burn right under my neck! The dress doesn't cover most of it so I need to reduce the redness by ALOT Tommrow. For some reason aloe does nothing for me. And I'd also like to know if anyone has a recipie for a face mask to even my skin tone

Is it safe to take St John's Wort, Evening Primrose Oil and Iron Supplements?

I don't take the iron all the time, just for a week or so before my period as I get bad headaches and migraines and thought this might be due to losing iron around that time of the month. Same with the evening primrose oil, take it for a couple of weeks each month to help with physical aspects of PMT. I am a rather anxious/stressy person and I am prone to bouts of depression and my mum has been suggesting St John's Wort to me for years. I'm going through a stressful time at the moment which is set to continue for a few months so I thought it might be time to try the SJW. I don't take any other medication apart from paracetamol sometimes and occasionally something stronger for the migraines (Migraleve or Immigran). I read that SJW can reduce iron absorption, so is it ok to keep taking the iron supplements to counteract this? I'm also worried about the effect on my liver from taking a combination of supplements. Should I take them at different times of the day to allow my body time to process each tablet? Thanks for any advice you can offer.

Have you heard enough?

You shouldnt try to explain and discus about things you clearly arnt qualified to talk about im guessing your educaton is of a high school level and you get most of what you put from what you read on BS blogs and wiki and BS which is fed into your mind like water nto a sponge the way you speak is a like a hippy soldier an assaian ? so when we send our military into countrys to help those who cant defend themselfs are they still asasians iraq s already shaping to be a better nation without sadam there nothing can be accomplished absolutly perfect war is war innocent people will die and it will also cost taxpayers money but what is the value of money against a human life and yes a few hundred innocent may de in accidents but buy removing tyrants you save 10000s the way you think is that the world shoudl deal with there own probelms and somtimes they cant sometmes people need help and we should provide the innocent masses with the help that is required or we are nothign but cowards no my friend being brittish is what it is we arnt pefect buy any means but never have we stood idoly buy and watched such sickening things happen we fight becaus eits teh right thing to do you wanna be a lil hippy pussy more to somwher that dont have an army then you cant complain sure your view would change if you was stuck out there living there lives instead of on a computer preaching your selfish BS in ya room your a fool the world aint all roses just because majority of people wanna be ciivil and live in peace dont mean evryone does wake the fk up